Or at least for the night, anyway.
The wife has been having a hankerin' for some Jambalaya, and the oldest has been after me to make some Chicken Bog, so tonight I knocked out a double header.
For those who have been on another planet all their lives, Jambalaya is a staple of cajun cooking. And for those who aren't followers of Ms. Paula Dean, Chicken Bog is a hard core comfort food recipe that she's aired on one of her shows. Her version has more stuff in it than I use, simply because most of the rest of the family wants it simpler.
First up, the Jambalaya.
Nothing magic here, just the basics:
- Yellow and Green Onions
- Bell Pepper
- Italian Parsley for the vegetation
- Sliced mesquite smoked sausage
- lightly boiled whole chicken (just to the point that it's done, then cool and pull apart while still juicy)
Heat a big ol' pan with some olive oil, and start in with the peppers. Give 'em a few minutes, add the onions and parsley and a big ol' spoonfull of chopped garlic. Simmer for a few minutes, and take out of the pan. Reheat, and add the sliced sausage. Get a little crusty stuff on there for the flavor, then add the shredded chicken. Return the veggies, add some tomato sauce and stewed tomatos to taste, and maybe some chicken stock, depending on how wet you like it. Add about 3 cups of cooked rice, and let it all mellow and get acquainted for a few minutes. And add whatever herbs, spices, etc. that you like, including cayenne, or whatever. I like to add some file powder right at the end.
You can also do this and add a lot more stock to the pan, and cook the rice with the meat and veggies, but I find the leftovers are gummy and starchy when I do that. This way, all the starch stays out of the main dish.

The Chicken Bog is about one of the simplest comfort foods there is.
You've all had chicken and rice before, but until you have this one, you ain't had it good.
I usually start with a whole chicken, toss it in a big pot full of water, along with a cubed onion.
Toss in a bayleaf for tradition's sake.
Cook the bird until it's done and remove. Let cool, and pull all the meat off and just tear it into shreds with your fingers. I usually strain the stock to get rid of any solids and add it back to the pot.
At this point, you want about 2-3 quarts of stocky goodness. I either keep some cans of stock on hand, or some soup base, whichever I feel like using. (I know, it's not natural or rustic, but I'm a cook, not a chef). Put the heat on medium and toss in 1 1/2 - 2 cups of rice, depending on how hungry y'all are, or how many moufs you gots to feed.
After the de rigeur 20 or so minuteses, the rice is pretty much done, so toss back in the chicken, and add 1 stick of butter.
That's right... 1 whole stick of butter.
Right there in the pot... right in there with all the other stuff.
No margarine... none of this 'I can't believe it's edible', none of that junk.
Just real butter. Heck, you can even use salted butter, if you're feeling wreckless, although keep in mind that if you used canned stock or soup base, there's a fair amount of salt in those already.
Cook it down until you can just see the rice and chicken under the top of the stock. Also, this depends on how thick you wants it. More stock is like chicken and rice soup. Less stock is like a chowder. I personally likes it less juicy. Sticks to the ribs better that way.
From that point on, add whatever you want. My crew likes it plain, so I augment once it's in the bowl: a little ground sage and crushed red pepper, and I'm set.
Also did a batch of Cheddar Biscuits today with the awesome help of my 4 year old. She was okay until it came time to put them in the oven... she wasn't ready for that, but she liked what came out.
Today's menu costs ran like this:
- 2 small fryers.... about 3 bucks each.
- Smoked sausage.... 2.50
- veggies.... 2.00 or so
- rice.... $1.50 or so
- butter.... about 60 cents
- Biscuits.... about 3 bucks for the cheddar, everything else was pantry stock.
Time to prep and cook:
- 15 minutes prep on the biscuits
- 20 minutes prep on the jambalaya
- 10 minutes to shred the chicken for both
30 minutes stove top time including rice and everything else.
So, all totaled, an hour and fifteen minutes, and everything was made from scratch. Total cost for everything was about 17 bux, and there's enough leftovers in the fridge to feed the Louisiana National Guard. And speaking of leftovers... both of these dishes get better the longer they set in the fridge.
Tomorrow morning's breakfast is scrambled eggs with a side of Jambalaya and Cheddar biscuits
and honey.
Good eatin' y'all..... and see ya in the kitchen.